“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God,I also will forget your children." Hosea 4:6

All of us know that the bible is the imperishable Word of God and has been around
for over 2,000 years and continues to be among the Best Selling books year after
year. Isaiah 40:8 says “the grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our
God will stand forever.”
While it sells great, most of the bibles in our homes sit and gather dust. The only
time it gets used is when we go to church. It’s hardly ever picked up in the home
for bible study. But many other Best Selling books year after year are sold and
read. Even unbelievers have bibles in their homes that may have been gifted or
actually purchased by them. Most see the bible as difficult to read or
incomprehensible; therefore after a few tries they give up, particularly if reading
from the King James Version of the bible.
In 2015 one in four Americans never read a book during the year. In 2012, there
were 32 Million Americans that could not read, more than 10% of the entire U.S.
population. 75% of Americans 16 and older read a book in 2012. The median
number of books read in 2012 was 6.
In this age we would rather see a You-tube message or Facebook pop up video (as
long as it is brief), than read the bible or a book that is bible based. And yet,
God’s word is clear, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” This lack of
knowledge is in reference to the Word of God. Many of us hear the Word, but we
don’t read it for ourselves. There is no self-study. No hunger to learn more about
God. Our hearts are with God once, maybe twice a week. If we don’t learn God’s
word in church on Sunday, we don’t learn more about the bible. And we wonder
why we can’t hear from the Lord and why we aren’t more blessed.
As we continue on the fast, we should be mindful of where God stands in our lives.
Is He truly first or is He second, third or fourth? It’s easy enough to determine.
Just figure out weekly how much time you spend in prayer, reading God’s Word,
worship or meditation and if it’s reflective of a normal week. We need to be more
intentional about knowing and finding God. It not only benefits us but those
generations that follow. Otherwise, we are destroyed.
Lord, first of all thank you for your grace, mercy and patience with us. We know
we are a stiff necked people full of pride with difficulty fully committing to you.
There are countless blessings found in drawing near to you through daily reading of
your word, worship and praise. We ask Lord that you give us the wisdom and
knowledge and desire to truly know you so we do not become a people that perish.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.