Day 21 – Our Hearts
What we value we chase after. The Bible says where your treasure is there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21).

Some of us are collectors and we may go to the ends of the earth to find the thing we are most fond of. We become wine collectors and connoisseurs of the finest wines. Some may like art and while not many of us can afford an original Rembrandt some spend their money that way, mostly to impress others. We may collect rare coins, searching our whole lives for the rarest of coins.
If it’s not collectibles that we run after, it’s experiences. We attend the best concerts and often travel to other states and even countries to hear our favorite artists sing or play an instrument. Sports fans are fanatical about their teams, so much so that some people can’t stand other people because they are associated with a particular team, like the Dallas Cowboys, one of the most hated and loved teams in sports. Some people have a desire for more money and spend their lives chasing after more, and the more they get the more they want.
But when it comes to Christ, what is it about Jesus that we are afraid to be passionate about? Are we afraid that people will see us like Aunt Esther, a Holy Roller of the old comedy show Sanford and Sons? Or are we afraid that Jesus may rub off on us and we will lose the life we love (this worldly life)? Jesus said in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Do we really want the abundant life and are we prepared for the sacrifices that come with it? In John Courson’s commentary on this verse, he says that “if people respond to the gospel based solely upon John 10:10, they get fired from their jobs or dumped by their girlfriend and then they become disillusioned and disoriented in their faith”.
Courson goes on to say that “the essence of the gospel is next verse, verse 11 - “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. It’s not what Jesus will do for you-it’s what He already did for you when He died for your sin and therefore, our sins past, present, and future are forgiven in totality.”
If Jesus were to knock on our door, what kind of collections would He find? Besides the cross that we wear around our neck occasionally, how much of Him would be evident in our homes? The real question though is how much of Jesus is evident in your heart? “For where your treasure is there your heart will be also.”
We give our time and our hearts to what we value.