
Our Leader
I came to know fasting not through church or some teaching, but because of a need to improve my health. Those of us who have experienced fasting with prayer know that fasting without prayer is a form of dieting and not a true Christian fast. Soon after I began fasting for health, I had what I would call a supernatural experience with God that let me know that I was going about fasting the wrong way and that God needed to be the center of attention as I continued my journey with fasting.
Fasting started for me in October 2010, about one month after we buried my mother’s mother, my grandmother. I made a pledge the day we buried her in New York to improve my health. Since that time, I have done numerous fasts, read numerous books on fasting and health, taught fasting classes, and have led a group of fasters on an annual 21-day Daniel Fast. 2023 will mark our 12th consecutive annual Daniel Fast.
In 2018, I embarked on my most significant, amazing, and awesome journey. God through His strength and all-sufficiency allowed me to complete a 40-day water only fast. As I look back on that time, all I can say is that I had a deep desire and complete focus to draw near the Lord as I had never done before. For the past 2 years I have incorporated long water fasts into our annual Daniel Fast. My goal is to complete at least a 10-day water fast every year during our
annual beginning of the year fast as long as the good Lord gives me the strength and will power to do so.
Fasting has been such a rewarding experience. Not only have I grown closer to the Lord, but I attribute my health and the health of those closest to me to fasting and prayer. As God has grown me in the spirit of fasting, I have shared my experiences with others in the hopes of allowing others to know Him in a deep and personal way.
My prayer is for a return to God for our nation and the world. As described in Joel 2:12-27, I’d like to see true repentance and a revival among Christians through fasting and prayer so that our land can be refreshed and blessings from our Lord will flow freely. What Satan has devoured will be restored many times over when that happens. It’s really simple, God will bless us beyond our imagination if our hearts are truly with Him.
Larry Baty
Fasting Ministry Leader
Our Vision
Giving, praying, and particularly fasting requires us to give up something to draw near to the Lord. All three are intentional. All three are sacrificial. Giving requires the least of our participation (particularly when it comes to our resources) while many think it requires the most. But then most people have never fasted, so they don’t understand the complete sacrifice involved in giving of oneself by denying oneself in the way that we do with fasting, in particular, when we eliminate all food, and only drink water for sustaining power.
God challenges us in Roman’s 12:1-2 to not conform to the pattern of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind to know the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. He wants us to submit our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.
How do we submit our bodies in this manner? Through worship, servanthood, fellowship, the study of His word, applying His word and teaching it to others. We worship God through our giving, prayer, fasts, and application of His word. As often as we give and pray, we should give just as much thought to fasting. When we give, pray and/or fast we meet the definition of a living sacrifice and thus our name Living Sacrifice Ministries was created with this in mind.
Jarrett Stevens in his book the Mountains are Calling says this:
“Intimacy with Christ always comes at a sacrificial cost.
"Knowing God requires us to lay everything on the altar of sacrifice. It begins with a complete and total renunciation of our own dreams, desires, maybe even identity. Only those who are serious about their relationship with God will ascend this mountain.”
Our vision is to transform ourselves and help those God puts in our path to have a deeper and more fruitful experience with Christ as we continually fast and pray for all sufficiency as described in Philippians 4:13.
Our Team
Rev. Leslie Smith II
pray about my situation. I was able to go through those troubled times totally leaning and depending on God instead of turning to riotous living. Since then, I have made an effort to fast at least 6 times a year. My main reasons for doing so, are for my relationship with God, my relationship with people and for health purposes.
I began my fasting journey in 2018. I was going through a rough time and was desperate for God. My long-term friend, Larry sensed that I was troubled and reached out to me as the Holy Spirit directed him while he was in the middle of a long-term water fast. We prayed together and he encouraged me to fast and

Monica Simmons Smith
feeling God’s presence and learning His word, so I have continued to fast periodically ever since.“Fasting brings clarity to my thinking, it builds my relationship with God, and it renews me".
My search for God started at the age of eleven. At this time, I researched various different denominations and attended many different churches. I learned about fasting at one of those churches. Wanting to be closer to God and to find answers, I embarked on a 40-day water fast but stopped short at day 21. I enjoyed

For years, I practiced fasted intermittently. I’d been taught that fasting was a way to really seek answers from God. So, whenever there were hard decisions needing to be made and direction was needed to understand, I fasted. It wasn’t until 10 years ago when my fasting journey truly began. That’s when I was introduced
to the Daniel Fast & Jentezen Franklin (excellent readings on fasting) through Larry Baty.
I recall the moments when I struggled with whether I could do this for 21 days. That’s a long time without fried chicken. Replacing meat with a vegetable? I don’t eat vegetables. This would never work. Well, I was wrong. I always share that story because it really is a true story that could have been the deal breaker.
However, we had a very determined, trusting, encouraging, knowledgeable, prayerful and most of all, faithful leader. I joined that fast on January 1 of that year, and I NEVER, EVER looked back. One of the most life-changing moments for me was “hearing” God differently. My dreams were so clear, when I awoke sometimes, I was almost in disbelief that such a spiritual connection existed. It’s amazing when you ask God for clarity. He will provide it in some form or fashion. I’ve been walking with God a long time, but committing myself to fasting, praying, and giving my time to him became a new way of life. I look forward to this journey and commitments each year.
Minister Angela Heard
Blessings! I am Minister Angela Heard – Jackson I have been blessed to lead a prayer group of fasters annually. We participate in several Daniel Fast a year. We started our fasting and praying journey in 2016, which blossomed into Greater Works Prayer Ministries. Throughout the years, I have learned that fasting is a weapon that we

need as we try to exist in this world. The results of fasting along with prayer, strengthen us for the journey and God even allows us to see better with a spiritual eye when we submit ourselves to fasting. Through fasting and prayer, God has shown me that he is able to break every chain.
By the power of the Holy Spirt, invisible links wrapped around our lives are exposed and God continues to reveal himself as our Liberator, when we are fasting. Many of us have strongholds of sin that need to be broken, strongholds of bitterness, grief, and anger that need to be severed. There are also strongholds of addiction, and pride that need to be shattered and broken. When we fast, God becomes our Liberator who allows us to stand back and watch the chains hit the floor! While fasting, I ask myself two key questions: When it comes to food, what masters me? When it comes to food, what is best for me? The Holy Spirit helps me to answer both questions honestly. When my life is infused with the gospel, I am then able to face the many temptations of food with a balance. To God be the glory! Amen.
Tammy Moten
My name is Milron Daniels. Fasting and praying have been a part of my lifestyle for over 25 years. In 1994 I was told that it would be extremely difficult for me to conceive because of “Endometriosis”. I was told that I would never have children. After trying everything to conceive for

over 5 years, I finally decided to rely on God through fasting and prayer.
Amazingly after 30 days of concentrated fasting and prayer, God allowed me to conceive. My faith and belief in God are what made it happen. We now have 3 healthy children. To God be the glory!
I believe the purpose of fasting is to attract the attention of God not others. God is not moved by our tears or sad commentaries about our dilemmas, but it is faith that moves him. As a spiritual discipline, fasting and praying, and believing, have helped me focus more intently on God. Fasting has increased my ability to concentrate mentally and has increased my sensitivity to the things of the spirit.
Brother Larry’s 21-day fast has opened my eyes to another powerful benefit of a fast. Healthy eating and a proper diet (lifestyle change) are essential to a sustained life. Additionally, it cleans the body of toxins and the spirit of
preoccupations. I am super excited to see what God is going to do in my life in 2023 because of the commitment and discipline to consistently fast and pray.