This Month's
“Fasting helps to express, to deepen, and to confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, even ourselves, to attain the Kingdom of God."
Andrew Murray (1828-1917)
There are 3 types of fasts and many variations of the partial fast:
Partial Fast
A partial fast is one where food is eaten during the fast, but certain foods are restricted or avoided during the fasting period. One of the most common partial fasts is the Daniel fast where only, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are eaten during the fast. All meats, including fish, dairy, sugar, and breads are completely avoided during this fast. Water is the source of drink during the fast. No caffeinated drinks or sugary processed drinks of any kind are allowed on the fast. See Daniel 1:8-14 for scripture reference. Our group leads a Daniel Fast once a year at the beginning of the year for the first 21 days of the year. Some go on to fast for up to 40 days during this period.
Normal Fast
A normal fast is one where only water is drunk and no food of any kind is eaten during the fasting period. God designed our bodies to be able to fast for many days without having to absorb food. A normal fast lasting longer than 3 to 7 days should be properly supervised by a physician to ensure all vital signs are maintained throughout the fast and to help decide when it is appropriate to end the fast. The average healthy person can fast between 21 and 40 days before starvation sets in. The normal fast is the most commonly mentioned fast in the bible.
Absolute Fast
An absolute fast is a fast that totally abstains from all food and drink. This is not a fast that we recommend. The longest our bodies can go without any food or drink is 3 days. At a minimum, our bodies need water to sustain us.
Fasting is a way of humbling ourselves before God. The practice of fasting has been around for over three thousand years.
The Benefits of Fasting
The most important benefit of fasting is the closeness we have with God the Father as our spirits become filled with the Holy Spirit and we hear the voice of God during a fast. As we clear out the junk in our trunk, so to speak, it clears the mind and makes it easier to hear from the Lord. This benefit cannot be overstated. It is by far the most important part of a spiritual fast. Sometimes we don’t get the clarity we seek until after the fast is completed, but if done right God provides clarity and we receive more assurance of His will for our lives.
But another part of fasting is the health benefits we receive from fasting, whether it is a short fast or a prolonged one. The health benefits seem endless in that fasting gives our internal organs a break from the assault that we put them under with our continual feasting. Our bodies were never intended to eat like we do without giving them a periodic break. Without a fasting break, we subject our bodies to many of the diseases that we now take for granted as a part of the aging process, without really understanding that our diets are most responsible
97% of the time for cancer, heart disease, kidney problems, rheumatoid arthritis, failing eyesight, rashes, skin problems, sleep disorders, etc. The Standard American Diet (SAD) contributes significantly to these diseases and causes us discomfort and pain as we age causing many of us to want to give up and not continue in this life. Periodic and regular fasting on the other hand can relieve pain in the joints, produce weight loss, lower blood pressure, reduce the pressure in our eyes, give a vibrant look to the skin, open clogged arteries, help prevent
cancer, allow our blood to move more freely in our bodies and it can improve the pulmonary function of our lungs among many other benefits.
In Genesis 1:29 God describes to Adam the food that our bodies need to remain healthy. These include all fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. The more we deviate from God’s healthcare plan, the more we subject ourselves to our human plan which includes, prescription drugs and various medical procedures to sustain us. But this is not the existence that God wants for our lives. Aging should not include lethargy, pain, and a general weakness in our strength. Fasting gives us what we need to maintain our vigor. But as with everything, there is a cost to pay. Just like with building wealth where we spend less today to have more for tomorrow, it is similarly true that we can’t feast daily without giving the body periodic rests. When we subject our bodies as a living sacrifice, there is a cost associated. In my opinion, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Are you willing to pay the cost to age gracefully and enjoy a relationship with God that few will ever experience?
Larry Baty
Ministry Leader
Living Sacrifice Ministries