One of the challenges I have in work or in life is humbling myself. Truth be told many of us probably have this same issue. That is especially true when you have experienced a modest or high level of success in your chosen field or have led others in producing positive results either in your church, community or even within your own family. As others seek your wisdom and knowledge you have a sense of pride of accomplishment.
There are times when others who may be equally as accomplished or not may put you in a position to check yourself in regard to your pride because they either test your patience or God forbid, they just get on your last nerve. Has God put some of those folks in your life? I think we all deal with this to some extent. How we handle these situations says a lot about who we are in Christ. Do we lash out and get mad and say or do something we regret or do we humble ourselves and ask the Holy Spirit to help us through the situation. I have done both. What about you? I’m still a work in progress.
Psalm 25:9 says, “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way”. James 4:10 says “Humble yourselves in the sight of Lord, and He will lift you up”.
There are many examples of humility in the bible:
Jesus Christ, who left His Heavenly throne to become human to serve us.
Moses, who doubted his ability and questioned God’s call to lead the Israelites.
John the Baptist, who acknowledged his unworthiness and pointed people to Jesus.
Ruth, who left her homeland and followed her mother-in-law in loyalty and kindness.
The Tax Collector who humbly approached Jesus acknowledging his sinfulness and asked for God to have mercy on him, a sinner.
Humility requires us to really examine ourselves and understand our motives. Are we prideful because of what we are doing for ourselves or are we humble letting the Lord use us in all situations the way He desires to?

The bible says in 1st Samuel 2:7 – The Lord humbles and he exalts. I prefer to humble myself rather than for the Lord to humble me. I have seen firsthand what God can do to those who do not seek Him and have allowed pride to rule their hearts.
There are many proverbs that speak to humility:
Proverbs 3:34; 11:2; 15:33; 18:12; 22:4; and 29:23 to name a few.
Father God, as we journey on this fast and learn more about you through the Holy Spirit, help us to not think more highly of ourselves than we ought. Let us know that wisdom comes from the Lord and that without you we can do nothing. Let us seek to continually examine ourselves, so that we can, ourselves, seek humility that is pleasing in your sight. We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.