Day 6 - Just a Closer Walk with Thee
I used to be an avid walker, but after some health challenges at the beginning of last year, I was not as consistent. Although, walking was highly recommended by my physician and caretakers. It was still a great practice of exercising as the healing process ensued.
During this past holiday season, I visited my son out of town to meet our “new bundle of joy”. Seeing my granddaughter for the first time made me think increasingly about my health and being around to walk with her. Little did I realize, but the two flights of stairs to reach the loft in my son’s home would be the ultimate challenge during my stay. The aching from resent surgery was a constant reminder. 😊
One day, I was walking with my fur babies (for the canine-lovers who get it), I decided to walk a bit further than usual. It had been super cold for a few days, and that made me limit my steps even more. One of my fur babies loves exploring the outdoors. The baby steps I was taking were starting to get old to her. So, on this day, something told me to take the walk a bit further out.
While walking, I noticed things I had not noticed before. I noticed a beautiful bed of flowers that I had not seen in the 3 or 4 days since my arrival. The array of colors put a pep in my steps! I also noticed an open field while crossing the street. It aroused one of my babies to “potty” quicker than normal. That was a plus, and she was the one needing the extra steps. So, I thought...
I realized that taking those extra steps gave me the opportunity I needed to talk to God. I started thanking him for new things with which he had blessed me and for the old things that had now come to pass. The more I walked and talked with him the warmer the temperature became.
Before I knew it, I had walked a good 1.5 miles out of the way. So much so, my son told me later that he had begun to worry. 😊 Psalm 145:18-19 (ESV) says, “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them.” Indeed, I was in good hands and with good company.
As we headed home, I started humming a melody that I could not seem to get out of my head. It was the song “Just a Closer Walk with Thee.” Before I knew it, I was singing it and had reached the top of the loft. I was not out of breath, and I did not feel one ache in my body at that moment. I even turned around, looked back at the stairs and chuckled. 😊

In 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV), it reads, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”