Day 3 - Persevering in Fasting
St. Symeon on Persevering in Fasting
“My brethren, it is not possible for these things to come about in one day or one
week! They will take much time, labor, and pain, in accordance with each man’s
attitude and willingness, according to the measure of faith (Rom, 12:3, 6) and
one’s contempt for the objects of sight and thought. In addition, it is also in
accordance with the fervor of his ceaseless penitence and its constant working in
the secret chamber of his heart (Mt. 6:6) that this is accomplished more quickly or
more slowly by the gift and grace of God. But without fasting no one has ever
been able to achieve any of these virtues or any others, for fasting is the
beginning and foundation of every spiritual activity. Whatever you will build on
this foundation cannot collapse or be destroyed, because they are built on solid
rock. But if you remove this foundation and substitute for it a full stomach and
improper desires, they will be undermined like sand by evil thoughts, and the
whole structure of virtues will be destroyed (Mt. 7:26; Lk. 6:49). To prevent this
from happening in our case, my brethren, let us gladly stand on the solid
foundation of fasting. Let us stand firmly, let us stand willingly!”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, it is only day 3, but the desires of the flesh are beginning
to do battle with our will. Help us Lord to sustain our focus on fasting and drawing near to thee. Let us call on you when we are weak so you may give us strength in the journey. United we stand Lord and divided we fall. Let us remain steadfast in our collective prayer for our nation, our churches, our families, and each other as we seek humility through fasting and prayer. We strive Lord through your loving grace and mercy to build a proper foundation of fasting and
prayer. Help us persevere! In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen!