Day 21 - Hold on to Your Dream
Scriptures: Jeremiah 1:5; Genesis 37:5-6; Genesis 37:10-11
Has God given you a dream or a promise? Has He ever told you he would do something in your life? God has deposited in all of us a purpose, work, or task to do in this life. Before he formed us in the womb, he knew exactly what our purpose and task in life would be. He told Jeremiah before he was formed in the womb of his mother, he had a purpose. The tragedy of life is that so many never find their purpose. Purpose is revealed by his word, vision, passion, dream, or even a thought that God has given that just won’t go away. Finding purpose must be persuaded through prayer, intimate time with God and fasting to find it.
I found my purpose through a dream/vision God gave me. If you are anything like me, once you found God’s purpose for your life, you probably rejoiced and told your family and friends all about it. They all thought I was crazy, some even laughed, maybe because years had passed, and I was still telling everyone the same dream. Once you find God’s purpose you can’t be concerned about what others think of the work you have been called to do. God didn’t give it to them, he gave it to you. You can’t think twice about what God has shown you. In my dream, I built a building. There were long lines wrapped around the block of people trying to get in the building. They saw people come in one way (troubled) and left changed.
Joseph’s life was a life filled with dreams and visions from God. He was hated and despised by his brothers for his dream. No one believed him not even his father. One thing we must understand about God’s purpose is that it unfolds in God’s time. Isaiah 55:9 (KJV) says “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts”
Sold by his brothers as a slave, Joseph was then enslaved and imprisoned for 13 years. He then oversaw 7 years of plenty and 2 years of famine. It was 22 years before he saw his family again. Your dream will stay alive by the passion you have. Passion is the fuel of your faith; the purpose and dreams God has given you.
Hold on to and continue to walk in your God-given purpose.
