Day 17 - Bust a Move and Just Do It
For some reason, we are often more comfortable with wishful thinking than we are with actually participating in life. It is easier to think about doing something than to actually get on with it. Trust me, I know. I have been thinking about writing two devotions for over fourteen days. The psalmist, David says, it is only what we do that will prosper. “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does shall prosper”. Psalm 1:3
Quite simply, effort is required on our part to do something, anything. Nothing will happen until we act. You cannot become a prayer warrior until you pray. You will not have victory over the enemy and experience breakthroughs until you commit to fasting. You cannot become a great pianist until you practice daily. You cannot write by thinking about it; you must take pen and paper in hand. Shame on me for having to be reminded to submit my devotions to Brother Larry. We’ve got to do better. God must be primary and everything else secondary.
Action is the vehicle that accomplishes any feat. By moving in the direction of what you want, you set in motion forces to propel you into your destiny or to achieve the desired result that you long for.
So, if you’ve been sitting around thinking about how you’d like to acquire a particular skill or accomplish a certain feat, you must make a move. Contrary to the belief that if you want something long enough, it will happen, you must put forth the effort to bring about a change in your life and circumstances. As you touch life, it will touch you back.
Bust a move, believers!
