Day 15 - The Promise to Us All
Tamika was 19 years old. She had been visiting an Apostolic church. It was livelier and more entertaining than what she had normally experienced at church.
Tamika loved to sing and singing with the choir, and it was the highlight of her week. It was something she was good at, unlike school assignments. She was still a senior in high school and struggled to do the work in her “slow learners’ class." All of her teachers and family loved her due to her heart, positivity, and innocence.
Tamika was curious about God and began asking questions:
What does this presence of God feel like?
How do I know if I feel it or not?
Where does this presence come from?
Tamika's family members had a prayer meeting at their home and Tamika felt lost during the time of prayer.
“I don’t know what to say she said loudly. What I’m supposed to do?"
“I said the Lord’s Prayer, now what? Y’all not done yet? What are we going to do next?“
Some gave input.
Tell God how you feel about him.
Tell him about your problems.
Thank him for everything he has done for you.
When you hear us saying things, if you feel the same way, say that.
Ask God to give you the gift of the Holy Spirit.
You can say the words to songs you know as a prayer if you mean it.
“I can sing! Can I just sing, she asked?"
“Yes! Praying is just talking to God, so singing works too." Tamika's face lit up.

Everyone went back to their prayer corners and as the prayers went up. Tamika was heard singing and she repeated what she heard others saying. She got louder and louder and her voice began to tremble as the tears fell. It wasn’t long afterward that she began to speak in another language. God had given her just what she asked for, the gift of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
Although Tamika did not have elaborate, eloquent speech and words to say, God knew her heart and understood her every tear.
For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” Luke 16:15.
The gift of the Holy Spirit and the ability to speak in tongues is a gift that is promised to all of us. See Acts 2:14-18 and 2:38-39.
God has a greater spiritual work for us all to do through his Holy Spirit. May the Lord give us all direction as we are sensitive to his spirit and submissive to his will during this fast.