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Day 1 - Teach Us to Pray

Writer's picture: Larry BatyLarry Baty

In Luke 11:1-4, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. While Jesus gave them a model for how to pray, the more important ask in my mind is that the disciples asked to be taught to pray. We all need to make the decision to pray. That is at the heart of the request. We get distracted daily with work, meal planning and preparation, family obligations, financial obligations, church obligations, etc. that by the end of the day we look up and we haven’t said one word to God, who woke us up and protected us throughout the day. God was available all day for us to talk to. Whatever we encountered or had to deal with, He could have helped. Yet, most of us go it alone and tackle each day in our own strength. It is not until we get to a crossroad that we decide we better get God involved. If He had been involved all along maybe the crossroad would not have happened or we would know clearly how to get over the obstacle because He would be there to guide us.

Matthew Henry says this about Christ, “As God, he was prayed to; as man, he prayed; and, though he was a Son, yet he learned this obedience. Christ prayed often, more than any other of the evangelists: when he was baptized (Luke 3:21), he was praying; he withdrew into the wilderness, and prayed (Luke 5:16); he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer (Luke 6:12); he was alone praying (Luke 9:18); soon after, he went up into a mountain to pray, and as he prayed he was transfigured (Luke 9:28-29); and here he was praying in a certain place. Thus like a genuine son of David, he gave himself unto prayer (Psalm 6)”.

If we truly want Christ in us prayer must be as normal as waking up each day or eating, not an afterthought.

Prayer: Lord you are our model for prayer. Teach us to pray. Let us make the decision that no matter what is going on that we will include you in our life with prayer. Help us to also know you through your written word so we know how to pray. Let 2023 be the year that we begin to truly seek first the Kingdom of God. In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus we pray. Amen!

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